Highland Gardens
Designer: Emily Griffin
Dwelling: Historic Rosedale Home
Location: Rosedale, Toronto
Scope: Decoration
Featured In: Chatelaine Magazine June 2014 / Houzz Article
One of our very first clients, whose several homes we have worked on over the years, is a hugely creative and imaginative woman, and she wanted us to create a room in her house that was all hers. So, we took an underused room on her second floor and created an inspiring space perfect for crafting, writing, lounging, reading or just getting away from it all. There’s a long desk with two workstations, a centre ‘island’ for creating (with a TV discreetly hidden within) and a comfy sofa for chilling. The pièce de résistance is a floating bubble chair accented with a bright pink and orange cushion that hangs in a corner and is the ideal spot to dream up new ideas. The room was very much a nod to the rest of the house: a whimsical, glamorous escape bursting with cheerful colour.